Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Branches That Bore Fruit

   Congressional National High School is like a tree, the school itself is the tree. Growing wider and bigger,its progress is now etched in the history of our four walls. But of course it wouldn't be called a tree without its branches and leaves, which we can all compare to the very foundation of our school itself. We can compare the teachers as branches and the students as leaves. Why you ask?..
   Here's the reason, the branches are like the teachers because they are the very hands of our school.They are the reason why the school is known to be great by all. They do what they are known to do and that's to teach, but they do it not only because it is there profession, no it is more than that..it is because they too also want to impart what they have learned to the very future of our country.. which is Us. As students we partially understand what they have encountered but we should also keep in mind that they too also started more as students, they have taste the sweetness and bitterness of life itself and its blend created what we know them to be. And as students, as the very leaves of our school we grow into a better person with their help. They never leave us even if we are as mischievous as a child, they give us what we need for they are also our parents. Always thinking the best for us unconditionally and undeniably all the time. 
   The tree along with its long branches and lushes leaves, always with the end of the year bore fruit into the hearts of their students. We will soon leave imparting with us the very hope of our teachers that when we see them again, it will be as successful and happy as them. Like any parent it is for their child, the tree will always bear fruit for a long time.


Ian Lim said...

An endless growing tree indeed.... and a good piece of mind for showing what is the school to the students....

Selina Lim said...

I hope I can be what our teachers wishes us to be...and I'm sure the school will grow more than what it seems. ..

Anonymous said...

Ohhh..thinking about Graduation is..huhuhu T_T but true I do want to return to my home, the school as successful as they are!!! I love our teachers!!