Tuesday, October 12, 2010


    The WHO...?

    ….our second parents. They are the one whom we meet and see in school everyday, wearing uniform just like some “kind” students, one who teaches us the beauty behind those we treat as torturing, boring, unexciting things we must know, the one who love and care for us despite of the naughtiness, noisiness and sometimes disrespect that we had, they are piece of our life, of our journey

    The only onethe very bestour prideTEACHERS!!
    Some students hate to hear the word “teacher”. They’ll say that, “Ah..si Ma’am anoyung ganto...yung ganyan” “Ibinagsak ako niyan eh..” “Ka-boring iyan magturo” and many more But don’t we think that without them, we’ll not able to learn things that we coundn’t know just in the four corners of our house? They are like precious gems, treasure!

        of them cultivated us, Congressionalians, to harvest such knowledge that we can use in our future. They molded us how to be good citizens, model youth in our own way and to be productive persons. CNHS Teachers endowed us the utmost gift in our life- love, wisdom, care and the greatest of allthe clation of humanity!

    CNHS Teachers lead us the way, the way of believin’ and nourishing the high school life, not just in studies but also in the religious terms. They embossed us the Eucharist and also the moral values that we must thrive in every hour of our lives. They are lucky, but we must say that we’re luckier than them, ‘cause WE HAVE THEM! 
    if their task is to prepare us to be future leaders, they succeed! They did it more than enough.

    W love CNHS teachers!  They must be love, cherish and most of alltreasure!!! 


Anonymous said...

I really agree on the content of the article.^_^
Congressional teachers are one of the group of teachers in the world that really prepared when it comes on the presentation of their lessons. They make sure that all their students should participate, enjoy, communicate and relate to the everyday topic.
Actually they did those things not for their own sake or for any form of competition but for their students to CHALLENGE their studies, and not their STUDIES to challenge them!

CNHS teachers also prove that
"It is better to GIVE than
We sometimes got ANGRY when they challenge us by the use of their EXAMS but we should think that,they we're just teaching us, for us to be ready on what is on our FUTURE.

But before I leave this page I want to open your mind by this inspiring quote.

"Teaching is the profession . that teaches all the other . . professions."

Without them there will be no doctors to heal, soldiers to protect, teachers to teach and many many more.


Anonymous said...

I also agree on what the content tells us.
Teachers are said to be like boring,horrible and etc. but CNHS teachers show that it is not always true.

CNHS teachers show that everyday lessons are enjoyable and easy to understand.They treat their students like their close friends or even their own children.

As a student,I must say that I'm really lucky to have second parents like them!!!


Anonymous said...

I agree a lot to what the article have said, our teachers have been our second parents... they say, "A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image." by this, we can tell that teachers took a big part to create our image...
Congressional National Highschool is so full of good and intelligent teachers which can really lead us to bright future...
i'm so happy and thankful to be a part of the CNHS family and be a student of all the teachers that taught me and carved me to who i am now... :D

thank you so much ♥CNHS TEACHERS♥!!!!


AmorFiercer1 said...

I've been in CNHS since !st year highschool and through those years, i also encountered and met teachers to whom I idolized.

The main reason is that because teachers in CNHS does'nt only show their passion in teaching numbers and grammars but also, they have the will to teach each student to be a better person. :)

belated happy teacher's day!

-jerry arciaga(IV-amorsolo)

AmorFiercer1 said...

Studying in Congressional since 1st year high,makes me really respect the teachers. because as i listen to them, i hear also their beliefs and ideals that teaches me to study even harder to reach my goals.
they also use the power of the school's computers to teach us on how to be capable and familiar in using them.
in that way, we, students really are having quality education.


AmorFiercer1 said...

I also agree that at first teachers seem to be boring but CNHS teachers alter this kind of impression. They teach us the academic lessons with the combination of throwing some humor. And we students, love that way.
And I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.

- Donna Mae A. Evardone
IV- Amorsolo

Anonymous said...

I love our teachers!! XD They will always be the best!!! XD Nice article!!!
I do hope in the further months to come they will receive the respect they deserve...
* HEY GUYS!!!Also read "The Branches that Bore fruit" it was amazing!!! You will doubt your actions after reading that too...

mcgalaites said...

the teachers here in CNHS are not only good teachers but also a wonderful advisers. our parents are not with us here in school and the teachers here stand as our guide or our parents. i love my teachers here.

ma. czarina galaites

IV- amorsolo

Lady Lyn Rapanot (IV- Amorsolo) said...

CNHS is like a newspaper.
Whatever it looks and whatever it contains, the name is still it.
And it gives new news everyday, knowledgable ideas also.
All is there...:)

jennifer nato_IV-amorsolo said...

Teachers are the student's second parents. So they must have a pleasing personality and pleasing moral values that they can share with their students. Our teacher here in Conressional has this characteristics and are well trained with their profession. And because of that you can be sure that you childrenare in good hands as they step up at their second level of learning.

Anonymous said...

I agree ! TEACHERS, TEACHERS, teachers from congressional are the teachers that know how to communicate to their students .. They know how to teach us and know how to mold our personalities. They are the type of people whom you can share your experience and bad feelings and they know how to make you feel better. They don't underestimate the students but instead, they do their best to show what we really have ..

Sarah B. De Guzman

chatty said...

My teacher my HERO !!

The teachers are very good example to all the students in CNHS .. not just that to mention that they are also talented ^^ hehe

Anonymous said...

...Truly we can't find teachers like the school had... because they teach us not only topics in the textbook but also teach us to be strong when we faced problems...

^^[Shaira Beltran]^^
[IV- Amorsolo]

Anonymous said...

Second parents ?? Yes, they are our second parents. I really agree that our teachers are our second parents because they not only teach us academics, but also values.

Ma. Claudine Elquiero